Well-known female lawyers Sonia and Marianna Sotomayor are journalists, respectively Marianna monitors the Democratic and Republican administration in the House of Parliament as an editor for the Washington Post. In 2009, President Barack Obama confirmed Sonia to the US Supreme Court as an Associate Judge. As the 3rd woman, first Latina, and first Hispanic person to serve on the highest court in the United States, she deserves to occupy that position.

Given their shared surnames and cultural backgrounds, many people are interested in learning more about Marianna and Sonia’s relationship. Are they cousins, sisters, or other close relatives? Or is it really a coincidence that they share a last name?


Marianna Sotomayor and Sonia Sotomayor are not related by blood or marriage, according to a number of publications, including Showbizcorner, Mixedarticle, and ABTC. They do not have any known shared ancestors or relatives, despite having a Spanish surname in common.

“Mayor of the village” is the meaning of the rather popular Spanish surname Sotomayor. The source regards are “sotus,” which means “under,” and “major,” which means “greater” or “elder.” This expression was used to denote someone in an office of respect or authority within a community.

The family name has been utilised by about 10,000 people, according to Ancestry,

The website Ancestry.com, 40,000 people worldwide as well as 10,000 Us share the last name Sotomayor. The surnames are popular in Spain, Puerto Rico, Colombia, Peru, and Mexico.


Marianna Sotomayor was born to Maria Gavancho Sotomayor and Eduardo Sotomayor, as reported by Fact Biographies. There is right now no internet knowledge of her personal life, and her parents have not made their daughter the centre of focus.

In addition, Sotomayor’s family includes an Eduardo Jr. Additionally, he has avoided media and the internet. Marianna’s early years are little unknown, yet her work as a journalist shines brightly. She is renowned for covering Capitol Hill breaking news.

Marianna graduated from George Washington University with an education in journalism and mass communication. She interned there to start her professional life, and she spent many years there writing about Congress and Joe Biden’s election for president. She began working as a parliamentary journalist for the Washington Post in 2021.


Sonia Sotomayor was brought up in New York City to family that were Puerto Rican natives. When she was nine years old, Juan Luis Sotomayor, her late factory worker father, killed away. Celina Báez Sotomayor, her mother, was a nurse who raised Juan and Sonia by herself.

Growing up in a Bronx public housing development, Sonia faced a great deal of hardship. At the age of seven, she was given an insulin injection everyday after being given the diabetes diagnosis. She additionally experienced racism and discrimination due to her Latina gender in a largely white society.

Sonia flourished in the classroom and graduating with honours from Princeton University. She ultimately enrolled in Yale Law School, where she functioned as the journal’s president. Up until President Obama appointed her to the Supreme Court, she had been a judge, a private attorney, and a prosecuting attorney.


Successive and powerful ladies Marianna and Sonia Sotomayor have the same last name, but their families are unrelated. They both have an intense feeling of ethnic and professional pride in being Hispanic. They are not connected to one another, but they nevertheless serve as role models for many people across the globe.

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