Having difficulty finding videos of the type of sex you want to enjoy? Finding quality, safe videos of the type of sex you want to engage in can be difficult. With so many web sites and streaming platforms to choose from, it can be hard to know where to look. The great news is that you don’t have to look any further than your computer or phone. There are a number of excellent websites that provide free, safe, quality sex videos. So how will you find the right one?


What to Look For in a Safe Porn Video


There is no single perfect way to find a safe porn video. But there are a few important things to look for in one. For example, you want to make sure that the video shows consent, communication, and respect. You also want to make sure that there are no graphic visuals, no language that might be offensive, and no age restrictions. If a video looks like this, you’re probably in the right place.


Types of Porn Videos You Can Watch


There are two broad types of these videos. The first are what are called “Empathy Videos.” These are videos that try to illustrate how you might feel if your partner touched you that way. The second type of videos are “Practice Videos.” These videos try to illustrate how to touch each other in a way that is safe, consenting, and respectful.  Both types have their pros and cons. You can’t really choose just one type of video to watch, but you can decide which one you like best.


How to Find a Safe Porn Video


There are a few places you can start your search.  First, see if your favorite couples have any videos that might be suitable for you. You can also search for “couples sex” or agentredgirl porn videos. These are two very popular search terms that you can use to find videos.  You can also browse the videos on certain online dating sites. This should help you find couples that have videos on the site.


3 Tips For Using Porn Videos


Whether you choose to watch online or in-person, here are some tips to make the most of your sessions.


  • Communicate – The most important thing you can do is communicate with each other. Once you’ve worked through the issues in your relationship, you’ll be able to build solid communication habits that will carry into the future.
  • Avoid Defensiveness – When you’re watching a therapy video, you don’t want to get defensive. This only serves to make your partner feel like they’re right, and you need to avoid this at all costs.
  • Focus on Feeling – Don’t just focus on what your partner is saying. Instead, focus on how you’re feeling as you watch the video.


If you’re looking for a safe, consenting, and respectful way to explore your feelings for your partner, you’ve come to the right place. There are plenty of video options out there that make these goals possible. It can be a little tricky to find them, but it’s definitely worth it in the end. Remember, no matter what you watch, you should feel free to talk with your partner about what you saw and how it makes you feel. That’s the best way to build a safe, healthy, and empowering relationship.



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